Rogue Talent Tree

Life is an endless adventure for those who live by their wits. Ever just one step ahead of danger, rogues bank on their cunning, skill, and charm to bend fate to their favor. Never knowing what to expect, they prepare for everything, becoming masters of a wide variety of skills, training themselves to be adept manipulators, agile acrobats, shadowy stalkers, or masters of any of dozens of other professions or talents. Thieves and gamblers, fast talkers and diplomats, bandits and bounty hunters, and explorers and investigators all might be considered rogues, as well as countless other professions that rely upon wits, prowess, or luck. Although many rogues favor cities and the innumerable opportunities of civilization, some embrace lives on the road, journeying far, meeting exotic people, and facing fantastic danger in pursuit of equally fantastic riches. In the end, any who desire to shape their fates and live life on their own terms might come to be called rogues.

Core Talents

Talent CP Prerequisites
Sneak Attack 5 -
Cunning Action 5 5 CP spent in Rogue talents
Bad Feeling 5 5 CP spent in Rogue talents
Hard to Hold 20 25 CP spent in Rogue talents
Evasion 25 40 CP spent in Rogue talents
Reliable Skill 35 100 CP spent in Rogue talents
Blindsense 50 175 CP spent in Rogue talents
Elusive 80 300 CP spent in Rogue talents
Stroke of Luck 100 375 CP spent in Rogue talents

Sneak Attack

Cost: 5 Character Points

You know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction.

Once per turn, if you have +1d on an attack roll, you can deal an additional 3dM damage to one creature you hit with that attack, with the following conditions:

  • The source of the +1d must be environmental (proficiency does not count).
  • The attack may not use a weapon with the unwieldy property.
  • These dice are not multiplied on a critical hit.

If another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it and that enemy isn’t incapacitated, then you don’t need +1d on the attack roll.

Additionally, you can forego your sneak attack damage to force your target to roll on the injury table instead of taking stamina damage.

Cunning Action

Cost: 10 Character Points
Prerequisite: 5 CP spent in Rogue talents

One time per turn you can perform the one of the following as a free action: Aim, Feint, Hide, Step, Stride.

Bad Feeling

Cost: 5 Character Points
Prerequisite: 5 CP spent in Rogue talents

You have a wary eye, bordering on paranoia. When you roll for initiative, you can move up to your speed. This movement happens before the initiative order is determined.

Once you’ve used this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Hard to Hold

Cost: 20 Character Points
Prerequisite: 25 CP spent in Rogue talents

You know how to contort and leverge your limbs to find a way out of the grasp of someone.

You gain +1d to unarmed attacks when you escape.


Cost: 25 Character Points
Prerequisite: 40 CP spent in Rogue talents

You can quickly dodge, duck, dip and dive out of the way of effects that cover large areas, like the fiery breath of a dragon.

If an attack vs your Dexterity defence that is neither melee nor ranged misses you and you would still take half damage, you instead take no damage, and only half damage if it hits.

Reliable Skill

Cost: 35 Character Points
Prerequisite: 100 CP spent in Rogue talents

You have refined your chosen skills until they approach perfection.

Whenever you make a skill check with proficiency and the highest d20 roll is a 9 or lower, you can treat that roll as a 10.


Cost: 50 Character Points
Prerequisite: 175 CP spent in Rogue talents

Your keen ears make it hard for invisible creatures sneak up on you.

Hearing is a precise sense to a range of 30 feet.


Cost: 80 Character Points
Prerequisite: 300 CP spent in Rogue talents

It’s never over when your opponent has the high ground.

While you are not incapacitated, melee and ranged attacks against you can only apply their proficiency to the roll (environmental sources to gain +1d do not apply).

Stroke of Luck

Cost: 100 Character Points
Prerequisite: 375 CP spent in Rogue talents

In pivotal moments you know how to make your efforts count.

If your melee or ranged attack misses a target within range, you can turn it into a hit. Alternatively, if you fail a check, you can choose to take 20 on the roll.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Rogue Talent Tree Branches

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