

…a melee attack roll made by a creature with the burn ability exceeds the target creature’s dexterity defence…

…a creature with the burn ability passes through or stops in another creature’s space (e.g. when grappling)…

…a creature with the burn ability is hit by a melee attack made by another creature…

the other creature involved catches fire.

An ignited creature takes 1dM fire damage when ignited and again at the end of each of its subsequent turns.

At the start of each of an ignited creature’s turns, make a flat check with the following DC:

Martial Die DC
d4 8
d6 11
d8 14
d10 17
d12 20

On a success, the flames go out.

Dropping prone and rolling on the ground (1 action) grants +1d on this flat check.

Additionally, the flames can be extinguished by spending 2 actions to smother them with a cloak, blanket, or other piece of large, thick fabric. Alternatively, dousing the flames with water also extinguishes them.