Disable a Device

Actions: 2
Required Proficiency: Trained
Requirements: Some devices may require Thieves’ Tools to disable

This action allows you to disarm a trap or another complex device. Sometimes, a device requires numerous successes before becoming disabled, depending on its construction and complexity. Thieves’ tools are helpful and sometimes even required to Disable a Device, as determined by the GM, and sometimes a device requires a higher proficiency rank in Sleight of Hand to disable it.

Your Sleight of Hand check result determines how much progress you make.

Critical Success: You disable the device, or you achieve two successes towards disabling a complex device. You leave no trace of your tampering and you can rearm the device later, if that type of device can be rearmed.

Success: You disable the device, or you achieve one success towards disabling a complex device.

Critical Failure: You trigger the device.