Temporary Stamina

Some spells or abilities give you temporary Stamina. Track this separately from your current and maximum Stamina. Since temporary Stamina is separate from your actual Stamina, it can exceed your Stamina maximum. Thus, a character can be at full Stamina and receive temporary Stamina.

When you take damage, reduce your temporary Stamina first. Any remaining damage carries over to your normal Stamina. Most temporary Stamina last for a limited duration. If a feature that grants you temporary Stamina doesn’t specify a duration, then the temporary Stamina lasts until it is depleted or you finish a long rest.

You can’t regain lost temporary Stamina through healing, but you can gain more via other abilities. You can have temporary Stamina from only one source at a time. If you gain temporary Hit Points when you already have some, choose whether to keep the amount you already have and their corresponding duration or to gain the new temporary Stamina and their duration.

If you have 0 Stamina, receiving temporary stamina doesn’t restore you to consciousness or stabilise you. Temporary Stamina can still absorb damage directed at you while you’re in that state, but only true healing can save you.