
Medicine is a Wisdom-based skill that lets you try to stabilize a dying companion or diagnose an illness.

Untrained Actions

Trained Actions

Expert Actions



Ointments, medicines and unguents are all different ways of solving what ails the common man who can’t afford to down a healing potion whenever they get a headache. Being trained in the skill allows you to separate real cures from snake oil.


Looking at a battlefield and being able to determine which side won, where the victors went and who might have survived takes as sharp a wit as being able to look at a corpse and determine the cause of death. Such a skill can help keep the same fate from befalling the players.

Massage Therapy

Physical therapy is not only a useful skill medicinally, but many a powerful ruler has had their ear swayed when they were in good moods during a skilled massage.


While many medicines apply in a general way between humans and horses, understanding the specific differences between the two can help you apply medicine to animals.

Table of contents