Defence Checks

There are six types of defences: one for each attribute. Defence checks measure your ability to avoid or shrug off harmful effects on your turn.

Defence check result = highest roll in your d20 dice pool + modifier of the defence’s attribute + other bonuses + penalties

Sometimes you will be called on to attempt a “basic” defefnce check. This type of defence check works just like any other. The “basic” part refers to the effects. For a basic defence check, you’ll attempt the check and determine whether you critically succeed, succeed, fail, or critically fail, like you would for any other defence check. Then, one of the following outcomes applies based on your degree of success, no matter what caused the saving throw.

Critical Success: You take no damage from the spell, hazard, or effect that caused you to attempt the save.

Success: You take half the listed damage from the effect.

Failure: You take the full damage listed from the effect.

Critical Failure: You take double the listed damage from the effect.