Physical Disease Track

  • Healthy
  • Latent/Carrier: A character in this stage has the disease, and may pass it on if contagious, but suffers no ill effects.
  • Weakened: A character weakened by a physical disease suffers a level of exhaustion.
  • Impaired: A character impaired by a physical disease suffers an additional level of exhaustion. Whenever they take an action, they must succeed at a Constitution defence check with a DC of 10 + the disease’s attack bonus or lose the action and gain the nauseated condition for 1 minute.
  • Incapacitated: A character incapacitated by a physical disease gains the incapacitated condition.
  • Bedridden: A character rendered bedridden by a physical disease is awake and can converse, but can’t stand on their own or take any actions. Their speed is 0.
  • Comatose: A character rendered comatose by physical disease is unconscious and feverish. They can’t be woken by any means as long as they remain in this state on the disease track.
  • Dead: The disease overcomes the body’s immune system, and the character dies. The corpse may be still be contagious, and some diseases may have unusual effects after the character dies.