Baronies of Avalon

The Baronies of Avalon are a domain which encompasses Britain and some of Ireland.


All of the Baronies are nominally ruled by the Ventrue Prince Mithras of London, though some are more loyal than others. The Scottish Daeva lords and the feral Gangrel vampires of Wales are significant threats to the power structure that Mithras has created, not to mention the Lupines who stalk the countryside.

The Baronies

The fiefs that comprise the Baronies of Avalon, as well as their rulers, are:

  • The Fief of Canterbury in England’s southeast is ruled by the Daeva Baron Adrian of Canterbury.
  • The Fief of Carlisle on the English-Scotish border is ruled by the Gangrel Baron Nathaniel.
  • The Fief of York in northern England is ruled by the Ventrue Baron John.
  • The Fief of Lincoln in the English Midlands is ruled by the Ventrue Baron Stephen.
  • The Fief of Chester on the border with Wales is ruled by the Ventrue Baron Marcus Verus, childe of Prince Mithras of London.
  • The Fief of Gloucester on the southern border with Wales is ruled by the Malkovian Baroness Seren.
  • The Fief of Norwich in East Anglia is ruled by the Mekhet Baroness Sybil.
  • The Fief of Exeter in England’s southwest is ruled by the Ventrue Baron Hugh.
  • The Fief of Winchester, located between Cornwall and London, is ruled by the Daeva Baroness Melusine d’Anjou.
  • The Fief of London has been the personal domain of the Ventrue Prince Mithras since Roman times.

Affiliated Domains

In addition to these Baronies, the following are vampiric domains which are politically tied to the Baronies of Avalon.

  • The Fief of Lothian based in Edinburgh, Scotland is officially a vassal state under Prince Mithras, but the Daeva lords under Prince Robert are effectively an independent domain.
  • The Dominion of Uilidh in Ulster, Ireland is ruled by the Gangrel Eileen, though its tribute to Mithras is fundamentally protection money to keep the lord of London from interfering in the dominion.
  • The Pale is a Mekhet political realm as much as a mortal one. The Fief of Dublin, as it is officially known, is ruled by the Ventrue Prince Edward de Warene, the grandchilde of Baron Stephen of Lincoln and supposedly loyal to Mithras.
  • The Connachta in the southern portion of Ireland is controlled by a group of Irish Ventrue who are as wild as any Gangrel. Their baron, Rory of Kerry, does not claim loyalty to Mithras but works frequently with the English vampires.
  • The Kingdom of Deheubarth in southern Wales is under the dominion of the Fief of Gloucester and its Baroness Seren who was a Welsh queen in life.
  • The dominion of Gwynedd in northern Wales is ruled by Rhodry ap Geraint ap Mithras, grandchilde of the Prince of London. His “uncle” Marcus Verus, baron of the Fief of Chester to the east, keeps this Welshman in check and loyal to Mithras.
  • The Kingdom of Powys in mid-Wales is ruled by the Ventrue Baron Daffyd ap Bindusarra, whose loyalty to Mithras is tenuous at best.
  • The lost Fief of Anjou, located in France, was ruled by the Daeva Baroness Melusine d’Anjou from 1175 until she has to flee France around 1215.
  • The Fief of Aquitaine, located in France, is ruled by the Daeva Baron Gérard le Vieux who, in the name of Prince Mithras, tries to keep as much as territory possible, mostly the port of the country.
  • The lost Fief of Bretagne, located in France, was ruled by the Ventrue Baron Ecgberth de Bath who had to plead allegiance to Alexander, the Prince of Paris.
  • The lost Fief of Normandie, located in France, was ruled by the Ventrue Baron Aethelbert, greatchilde of Mithras, from 1160 until his destruction in 1204.